Welcome to
your opportunity
for change

Let me offer you a unique method to free yourself from emotional and physical issues you don't want in your life any longer!

It will work like magic, and you will be amazed at how easy and fast it is. 

You only need to open your mind,
and be determined to work with me
for a happy and healthy YOU.

What is special about RTT ?
(Rapid Transformational Therapy)

To put it briefly, this method brings you the much-needed understanding to the background of your issues, and  empowers you to interrupt limiting beliefs in your subconscious.  It also provides you with formidable strategies to leave the pain and struggle behind, and regain your drive, freedom and strength, fast.

RTT is a solution-centered method based upon neuroscientific fact that our behaviours are ruled 95% by our subconscious. Change in our behaviour can be implemented if we alter the hidden beliefs and limiting thoughts in the subconscious and install new affirmations by repetition. 
RTT aims to deliver permanent change in a single 90-150-minute hypnosis session, although some clients and serious issues require up to 3 sessions on average.

RTT is particularly useful with emotional, behavioral and physical issues such as insomnia, stopping smoking, fears and phobias, anxiety and depression and physical conditions with pain, just to mention a few.

This modality is tremendously efficient in addressing traumas we have been holding onto for many years, thus drawing out 'unfinished business'.  This can lead to permanent and powerful transformations. As our unconscious lets go, our bodies let go, and healing can happen.

An essential part of the therapy is a custom-made transformational hypnosis audio recording that the client should listen to daily for 21-28 days after the session.  This is geared toward cementing the much-desired and long-wished changes in the client's life.

Marisa Peer, the mastermind behind RTT, has been voted Britain's Best Therapist. She has been made a Fellow of the National College of Psychotherapists because of her contribution to the world of therapy.
Marisa is passionate about making therapy simpler, with faster results, and more easily accessible for everyone.
She half-jokingly refers to her own method as therapy on steroids.
You will see why. 
I hope to connect with you soon.

The steps of the therapy process:

Welcome call 
(cca. 20 mins.)

* Messenger/ WhatsApp       and/or email

* Getting acquainted
* Presenting the exact   problem you are seeking a   resolve to
* Defining the outcome you   want
* Choosing the date of the   session, and the type (in-   person/online)

Treatment session 

* Consultation (30 minutes) including intake questions about present, childhood and family background

* What results would you like to achieve (your absolute dream results)?

* Hypnosis (2+ hours): discovering the root cause of the problem, wiping out old beliefs and installing new, constructive affirmations

Custom-made Recording

* After the session you will receive a 15-20-minute transformational recording specially made for you with the new affirmations.

* It is paramount that for the next 21-28 days you listen to this recording at least once a day to deepen, strengthen and cement the transformative work done during the session.

Follow-up Calls

* You will receive 3 follow-up calls after the initial session, sharing feed-back on the process of your change, potential questions, or plans for future treatment.

* Additional consultations as needed.