Welcome to my website dear reader

I am Enikő Bihari, a Hungarian-born English teacher-educator turned “worldly homemaker”. What this means is that after having worked in various schools as an ESL teacher and administrator in Hungary (and Europe) for almost 30 years, I joined my husband in his foreign service diplomatic career in 2010. This caused us to "nest" in a new home in different parts of the world every 2 to 3 years.

As an educator at heart, I still believe that learning collectively is one of the most enjoyable activities for our human hearts and minds. The connection with my students always had a deeply humanistic element, and many of my long-time friendships started in the language classroom. As I self-reflect, I think my overall best trait as a teacher was always being acutely sensitive to my students’ mental and emotional needs as well as being kind and encouraging so that they can see and experience their own genius.

While I slowly gave up my teaching career, I reinvented and reestablished myself in various ways as the "trailing spouse", wherever the assignments took us. In the past 14 years I have worked in 9 various academic and non-academic jobs either privately or institutionally. While the foreign service lifestyle is a lot of fun, the moves often come with challenges.

I started to experience emotional cravings and had to realize something was sorely missing from my life. I became codependent and it took me years to break away from addictive thinking and feeling. Behind the cheerful, blissful photos on FB, there were daily struggles that I was trying to find a way out of.

In 2022, my father died after a long period of weakening mental and physical health, and a few months after his death, a close and dear friend unexpectedly broke ties with me. This was a huge blow to my belief system, and it shook me badly. I understood I needed to build a new identity of emotional and financial independence, the very state I left behind in Hungary in 2010. Just to give myself a boost, I signed up for my first half-marathon and while training on the treadmill, I heard an interview with Marisa Peer, who is the creator of RTT, this uniquely rapid and efficient therapy.  I instantly felt that the new career course would return purpose and connection into my life.

Having experienced how fast and powerfully this phenomenal method restored my own equilibrium and inner strength, as well as my clients', I absolutely know it can transform your life, too.  

I am offering you a breakthrough experience with unbridled devotion and excitement so that you will launch into your best life yet.  

With love,


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